Lena Reinhard
@lrnrdLena Reinhard is a consultant and team leader with an interdisciplinary background. She has been a contributor to the Open Source projects Hoodie and Apache CouchDB, and co-founded a software company. Through her work, Lena aims to support change in the tech industry to make it more accessible, diverse and inclusive.

Derek Featherstone
@featherDerek Featherstone has been working as a web professional since 1999 and is an internationally known speaker and authority on accessibility and web design. He leads the team at Simply Accessible, based in Ottawa, Canada.

Alice Bartlett
@alicebartlettAlice is the platform lead for Origami, the Financial Times' front end component system. Before joining the FT she worked at the Government Digital Service building GOV.UK.

Rebecca Murphey
@rmurpheyRebecca Murphey is a software engineer at Indeed, where she works on building and improving the client-side applications that serve employers and jobseekers on the world's most widely used job site. She speaks and writes frequently about front-end best practices. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her partner and their son.

Peter Gasston
@stopsatgreenPeter is a veteran web developer who now works as a technologist at rehabstudio on projects for clients including Google and Facebook, and in partnership with some of the world’s biggest creative agencies. He’s the author of The Book of CSS3 and The Modern Web, and has written for Net Magazine, Smashing Magazine and A List Apart. In his spare time he ‘relaxes’ by reading voraciously, supporting Arsenal, and going on day trips to castles.

Mariko Kosaka
@kosamariMariko is an engineer living in New York City. When she is not making internal tools at Percolate, she uses JavaScript to help her knit and organize local meetup BrooklynJS.

Charlotte Jackson
@lottejacksonCharlotte is a front-end developer at Clearleft, a User Experience agency in Brighton, where her work is largely based on building clients their first pattern libraries. She documents her learning journey on her website and helps others learn to code by tutoring at codebar. Away from the screen, Charlotte loves to travel and can usually be found near mountains or the sea, photographing everything along the way.